
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Social sharing and exchange

According to Yochai Benkler, the new business model is decentralized and not market-based. It is a phenomenon based on social sharing and exchange. This means that nobody needs to ask for permission to create it. Due to the development of the Internet, social production is happening. It has always been people who had an input into production but now social relations is what really matters. For a long time the statement “content is king” was a mantra of many enterprises. Nowadays, not content but connection has the real value. People are still interested in the content, people who know a lot about it or want to develop their skills, hence, they are ready to spend time on improving it, sharing it with others as something valuable and being worth someone's attention. Our blog can be a good example: we have some knowledge that we want to share with others, different points of view which can be valuable for an outside audience. We are implementing a new social as well as business model of sharing and exchanging information that triggers one of 6 key principles of persuasion by Robert Cialdini, which is reciprocity. It requires in the future giving something in return due to a commitment between a recipient and a giver. It is a widespread persuasive method in the business world (2003: 65) and it seems to work even in the case of a student’s blog. We are writing a post and we are expecting comments, discussion or any other engagement into the content in order to make it more valuable.

Cialdini, R.B. (2003). Wywieranie wpływu na ludzi: teoria i praktyka. Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne

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