Musical Tots is a classical music magazine for primary school
children in the UK. It is a fun, vibrant magazine that aims to educate children
about music in an exciting, innovative way. Musical Tots is a response to
criticisms in the press that classical music is too elitist and strives to
overturn the idea that classical music is only for a minority. The magazine
will aim to present classical music in a way that targets the stories behind
the music and encourages children to make intelligent links between different
creative arts.
Musical Tots will be sold directly to primary schools in its
first year before expanding to a supplement in another publication in alternate
months. In its third year the magazine will reduce its production as a
supplement to one magazine quarterly whilst developing as a magazine on the
newsstand and with subscription.
The magazine will be sold for £5 per issue and with
advertising as another revenue stream, it will make a profit of £1,414 end the
end of its first year. As the sales increase, the price of the magazine will
decrease to be more competitive. Total profit at the end of Year two will be £19,500
and £33,871 at the end of its third.
The magazine is a brand and has the scope to expand into a
number of different fields. Once established as a brand, I intend to expand
into podcasts, CD audio books, print books and perhaps even a television
Musical Tots is a breath a fresh air that allows young people to engage with a subject too often deemed to be stagnant and old fashioned. This magazine will nourish the imagination of children and restore the beauty of one of our most ancient art forms.
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