
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Response to Monday's Seminar (18/02/13)

During a Skype conversation with media entrepreneur, Arthur Attwell, we discussed some of the projects he is currently undertaking in South Africa. The conversation particularly focused on a print on demand service which he has implemented in copy shops in some of the rural areas across the country, where it is often difficult to access a required text. The service is specifically useful for students who require all or part of an academic publication. It is also beneficial to publishers as it expands the readership for their books; to printers as it provides them with the opportunity to print content from over 40 publishers and to the consumer as it eliminates the cost of distribution which reduces the price of the book. However, we did harbour some concerns as to the longevity of the business: Arthur is concurrently working on another project which allows students to read textbooks on their mobile phones. If the cost of broadband internet were to become more affordable for the general population then physical books may become less popular.


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