
Friday, January 27, 2012

What is Social Reading?

Reading has always been social to a certain extent. At one time social reading was the dependency of a community on the few, usually men, who could read, to keep them abreast of the new texts that were being written.

Things changed very quickly as people became better educated and by the 20th Century “literacy became a benchmark of civilization.” (Patrick) Throughout this progression reading actually developed in to a personal activity, only involving the reader and the book. There have still been elements of sociability through book clubs and lectures, but ultimately people have discovered their own love of reading.

With this in mind it is evident that social reading is not a new concept.
So what is social reading now?

Social reading is now the ability to expand the reading experience past the book alone. It is now possible, through the use of just one electronic device, to talk with the author, bookmark pages, save and send and share sections of text via e-mail, chat with other readers inside paragraphs by attaching notes to the text and operating the ‘Recently Read’ application on Facebook.

But what is so great about this? This can all be done with a pen, some post-its and the Royal Mail.

The joy of modern day social media is in the instant nature and the vast capabilities of it as a concept. But is this actually always a positive?
It is widely accepted that “reading can and does contribute to personal development and influence social attitudes and behaviour.” (Gray) Therefore could the instantaneous and unedited nature of this new social reading be a problem?

Gray, W. (1947) “The Social Effects of Reading.” The School Review, [online] May. Available at: <> [Accessed 27th January 2012)

Patrick, B. (2011) “What is Social Reading?” Book Riot, [online] 18th October. Available at: <> [Accessed 27th January 2012]

Unknown. (2011) “The Independent announces its new social reading experience.” The Independent, [online] 22nd September. Available at: <> [Accessed 27th January 2012]


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