
Friday, October 11, 2013

Looking At The Bigger Picture - A PEST Analysis on the Media Industry

Businesses in the media industry have straight forward value chains.  However, the digital revolution is allowing them to reconstruct.  This process is allowing businesses to become more innovative.  But how do they do this? 

Publishing digitally is growing.  Different platforms and devices are being introduced constantly, providing consumers with a new way of reading.  Communities are being created online, allowing people to engage through books, magazines, blogs and long-form journalism. 

The digital distribution of books creates engagement with readers.  Books can reach a much larger audience, which brings in more revenue. 

Inevitably, the continuing growth of the e-book (for example, Amazon's kindle) in this industry will mean the death of the printed book.  The threat lies in innovation – how do publishers think of new ways to attract readers?  Publishing houses are consolidating to reduce operation costs, but if the money still isn’t growing, more rationalising has to take place.

In the music industry, CD sales are decreasing.  People are looking for ways to share music, which allows businesses to be innovative and create new ways for this to happen.  However, they also need to find a way to attract people and make money.  If there is no new talent, there is no money.

Newspapers have also realised how beneficial an online presence is.  This provides them with an opportunity to carry a range of content to appeal to a range of readers.  The key, again, is innovation.  Simply, if there are fewer advertisements, there are fewer pages in the newspaper; therefore making it less value for money and less attractive to readers. 

Then we have magazines.  People spend an equal amount of time reading print as they do online.  They have endless opportunities to expand.  However, there is still one major downfall.  If the internet is ever growing, what does this mean for magazine sales? 

For international businesses, their problem is the decline in print advertisement revenue.  In order to compete, they would need to build on their online advertisement revenue and their content revenue. 

Digital is taking over.  There’s no stopping it.  Businesses need to be innovative and aware in order to build, grow and succeed.

Holly Sutton 

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